We are thrilled to invite you to our first Regional DBT Benchmarking Events.
In these one-day events, we will discuss what we have learned from patient data that has been collected by over 50 DBT teams nationally and develop a comprehensive understanding of benchmarking and the outcomes provided by the data we have received so far. You will have an opportunity to review your own data so far (if you are already enrolled on our website), or hear about other teams’ experience and data and ponder what it means for your team.
Who is Hosting the Event?
The events will be hosted by Professor Michaela Swales and Benchmarking Analyst Julieta Azevedo with the support of Josh Osborne, our Product Development Analyst, and the schedule can be seen here.
Health Education England supports the project as part of their investment in enhancing the quality of evidence-based psychological therapies offered to clients in services.
Programme evaluation is an integral part of providing DBT, and we hope using this tool will help teams gain the necessary support from management in their organisations for providing quality DBT, by presenting statistical evidence of their effectiveness.
What’s Included?
These events are free to attend. Lunch and refreshments are also provided.
If you want to guarantee a spot for you and your team members, please register for our event, and we will send a confirmation email. You can choose the event that you would like to attend on the registration form.