Intensive Training in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol for PTSD

Course Name:

Intensive Training in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol for PTSD

Course Date:

3-7 November 2025

Course Location:

Live Training Via Zoom

Course Length:

5 days

Course Description

This 5-day workshop is designed to provide intensive training in how to integrate PTSD treatment into standard DBT. Participants will learn the DBT Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) protocol for treating PTSD, one of the newest developments in DBT research and practice. This protocol can be added to standard DBT to allow for integrated treatment of PTSD, suicidal and self-injurious behaviour, and other co-occurring problems. Participants will learn how to use DBT strategies to prepare high-risk and multi-problem clients for the DBT PE protocol as well as how to determine when clients are ready to begin formal PTSD treatment. The structure and procedures of the DBT PE protocol will be taught in a session-by-session format with extensive opportunities to watch video examples and practice delivering each of the primary treatment components. Particular attention will be paid to discussing strategies for overcoming common problems that arise during PTSD treatment with high-risk and multi-problem clients as well as how to tailor the treatment to address the complex characteristics of this client population.

Training Objectives

  • Identify DBT strategies to use to prepare high-risk and multi-problem clients for the DBT PE protocol.
  • Determine if clients are ready for formal PTSD treatment.
  • Describe the rationale for using in vivo and imaginal exposure to treat PTSD.
  • Implement the core procedures of the DBT PE protocol (i.e., in vivo and imaginal exposure and processing)
  • Identify strategies for addressing common problems that arise during the DBT PE protocol.


This workshop is intended for mental health professionals who:

  • Have attended a DBT Intensive or Foundational training (or equivalent)
  • Are active members of DBT consultation teams
  • Currently provide DBT individual therapy

Supporting Materials: Harned, M. S. (2022). Treating trauma in Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol (DBT PE). New York, NY: Guilford Press. Available here.



Melanie Harned, PhD, ABPP



Annie McCall, MA, LMHC



Course Costs

Course Cost:

£1,200 + VAT per person

Commissioned Courses Available:

Yes, with delivery either online or in-person to suit your specific needs