DBT Training in Hong Kong
On the 10-11 October 2019, Consultant Trainer Dr Janet Feigenbaum was invited to deliver a two-day DBT skills training workshop on the DBT protocol for managing the risk of suicide and self-harm. The workshop was the first of its kind in Hong Kong and attracted over 100 participants.
The invitation came after Janet trained the Tung Wah Hospital DBT Team at the Autumn 2017 National intensive following the award of the Ray Miles Travel bursary to fund the travel of the team. From then the team has set up and are delivering a successful DBT programme in Hong Kong, the first offering a CAMHS service. The aim of the workshop was to promote DBT further in Hong Kong and to ensure that those attending learned some meaningful skills to add to their therapeutic toolkit to use with clients.
About Our Trainer
Dr Janet Feigenbaum, Consultant Trainer
As well as working as a Consultant Trainer for British Isles DBT, Dr Feigenbaum is a chartered consultant clinical psychologist for North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) and Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at University College London.
She is the industry leader when it comes to clinical and strategic personality disorder services for NELFT and is the clinical lead for the IMPART (Intensive Management of Personality disorders: Assessment and Recovery Team). She has also been appointed to the role of Strategic and Clinical Lead for Evidence-Based Practice in Psychological Therapies in NELFT.
Topics Discussed
Day One
- Foundations of DBT: Behavioural Science, Dialectics, Acceptance/Zen
- Biosocial Model
- The Structure of Programmatic DBT
- Suicide Risk Assessment and Management: Crisis Protocol
Day Two
- Emotional Regulation Skills
- Distress Tolerance Skills
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
- Mindfulness Skills