Meet the Team: James Astbury

James Astbury

This September, we are sharing our next ‘Meet the Team’ addition, which is James, our Apprentice Pre-Sales Advisor. See below to learn more about his journey in DBT.

What is your favourite hobby?
I absolutely love GOLF, So most weekends I’m out on the course (much to the annoyance of my partner).

What is your favourite DBT skill and why?
Radical acceptance – because I think its something most people do day to day without realising. Its important sometimes to accept the position you’re in and think of ways to improve the situation.

What was the most recent DBT article/paper/book you have read?
Building A Life Worth Living: A Memoir by Marsha M. Linehan.

Favourite memory working at biDBT?
My favourite memory of working biDBT is probably when we got to go to Cape Town for the CBTASA conference. The reception DBT got at the conference was amazing and the people where wonderful ! Exciting to see how DBT develops in South Africa.