A Review of Marsha’s Memoir

A Review of Marsha’s Memoir

Yoray Barak is a Clinical Psychologist and Supervisor trained and living in Israel.  He graduated with a master’s degree in psychology from Bar Ilan University.  He has been a military psychologist and the head of a public mental health unit.  Currently he is a...
Our Online Skills Training Was A Roaring Success

Our Online Skills Training Was A Roaring Success

Due to what is currently going on in the world we have had to change the way we deliver our courses to make sure that you can still carry on learning whilst in isolation. We held our first online skills training course last week (2-3 April 2020) via Zoom with...
Professor Marsha M. Linehan’s New Memoir

Professor Marsha M. Linehan’s New Memoir

It’s been an exciting start to the year so far with news of the new release from Professor Marsha Linehan, a world renowned psychologist who developed Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.Her new memoir, “Building a Life Worth Living”, which is now...
Launching Dialectical Behavior Therapy In Jordan

Launching Dialectical Behavior Therapy In Jordan

British Isles DBT Training are excited to be collaborating with Behavioral Tech and the Maria Den Braven Centre to deliver an introductory workshop and launch event in DBT in 2020, the first of its kind in Jordan.The course takes place at the Intercontinental Hotel...