Dr Becky Wallace


Becky Wallace
Dr. Becky Wallace is a Lead CMHT Principal Clinical Psychologist in an Adult Community Mental Health Team within Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. In this role she is the DBT Team Lead for the North-Mid Area and delivers training, consultation and supervision to DBT therapists across the Trust. She also manages a team of Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists delivering a wide range of therapeutic interventions for adults with severe and enduring mental health difficulties. Outside of her NHS job she is a presenter for the British Isles Training Team and provides supervision and consultation to a range of therapists and teams across the UK and Ireland.

Training Experience in DBT

Becky qualified as a DBT therapist in 2009. She became an accredited DBT therapist with the Society of DBT (SfDBT) in 2015 and is a member of the Board of Accreditation in the SfDBT. She leads on running DBT training within her NHS trust and has been training and supporting DBT teams across her trust for over 5 years. She joined the British Isles Training Team in 2020.

Clinical Experience in DBT

Becky qualified as a DBT therapist in 2009 and is the DBT Team Lead for the North-Mid Area DBT programme. She has over 10 years experience of delivering DBT to clients with BPD/EUPD within a CMHT.

Other Relevant Training and HEI Experience

Becky has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southampton, qualifying in 2008.