Accreditation in DBT
British Isles DBT Training does not accredit therapists attending our training courses.
It is our view, and this is typical within psychotherapy training, that it is preferable to have a separate independent body to accredit therapists as training organisations have a vested interest in accrediting therapists on their own training programme. So, for the Therapists, the Society for DBT in the UK and Ireland (www.sfdbt.org) is the independent body that accredits therapists in DBT. The Society has strong links with the Linehan Board of Certification that fulfils a similar role in the USA.
The Society for DBT has established international accreditation criteria for DBT therapists, based on rating tapes using the adherence scale developed by Marsha Linehan’s research lab in Seattle. So if you’re having these thoughts:
- I want to progress in my career
- I want to help my team provide adherent DBT
- I want to enhance my skills and learning
- I want to increase my confidence that I’m providing effective DBT
- You are not on your own
Accreditation as a DBT Therapist with the society indicates to you, your clients and their families that you are offering DBT to a recognised standard and that your organisation can be sure that their staff are appropriately qualified for their role. Contact the Society to find out more.