Upcoming Training
DBT courses
DBT Skills Training: Extended™
31st March - 4 April 2025
This 5-day extended workshop is a comprehensive training in the DBT Skills and is intended for those who are ready to make a serious commitment to the implementation of DBT Skills training to more effectively serve their programme participants. It...Read More
DBT Skills Training: Essentials™
14-15 April 2025
This 2-day introductory workshop covers the essential DBT Skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness and is designed for all mental health professionals who want to learn DBT skills to improve...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Intensive Training™
Part I: 28 April – 2 May 2025
Part II: 19-23 January 2026
DBT Intensive Training is a comprehensive team-based programme of study designed to provide teams with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide DBT. It focuses on both the establishment of comprehensive DBT programmes and the clinical skills ...Read More
DBT Skills Training: Essentials™
15-16 May 2025
This 2-day introductory workshop covers the essential DBT Skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness and is designed for all mental health professionals who want to learn DBT skills to improve...Read More
Regulating Emotion the DBT Way™
5-6 June 2025
The role of strengthening emotion regulation skills falls to the individual therapist. Clients may have read about emotion regulation or learned the skills in DBT group, but still tend to over-rely on distraction or distress tolerance when these s...Read More
Advanced Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Complex PTSD™
16 - 17 June 2025
This 2-day case-based learning workshop is intended for experienced clinicians who have completed DBT-PTSD Part I and are seeking additional training and consultation in applying the skills and strategies of the DBT-PTSD model.
The format is...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Foundational Training™
23-27 June 2025
This comprehensive five-day training is designed specifically for individual therapists or skills trainers who are members of an intensively trained team, but have not completed intensive training themselves. It is meant to assist teams that have ...Read More
Doing Individual DBT Sessions: A Step-by-Step™
3-4 July 2025
DBT skills training groups may be where we ‘put’ new skills into the hands of our DBT clients, but individual DBT sessions are where we help our clients ‘drag’ and practice new, carefully tailored solutions where they need them most. For m...Read More
DBT Skills Training: Essentials™
10-11 July 2025
This 2-day introductory workshop covers the essential DBT Skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness and is designed for all mental health professionals who want to learn DBT skills to improve...Read More
DBT Skills & Strategies for Front Line Staff™
17-18 July 2025
Effective training in DBT skills requires acquisition, strengthening, and generalisation. These two days focus on the role of clinical frontline support staff in strengthening and generalising the skills DBT clients are taught. This training empha...Read More
DBT Skills Training: Extended™
11-15 August 2025
This 5-day extended workshop is a comprehensive training in the DBT Skills and is intended for those who are ready to make a serious commitment to the implementation of DBT Skills training to more effectively serve their programme participants. It...Read More
Increasing Confidence to Handle Out-of-Hours Telephone Coaching
18-19 September 2025
Phone coaching is the modality of a DBT program that helps client generalise the skills from the therapy room into their every day life.
Many therapists understandably feel anxious about implementin...Read More
Advanced Clinical Skills in DBT: Skills for DBT Team Leaders to Promote Team Adherence™
16-17 October 2025
A DBT Team Leader is a crucial element towards the success of any programme. Team Leaders must combine skills in leadership, organisational negotiation and enhanced clinical acumen to effectively lead their team. The Skills for DBT Team Leaders to...Read More
Intensive Training in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol for PTSD
3-7 November 2025
This 5-day workshop is designed to provide intensive training in how to integrate PTSD treatment into standard DBT. Participants will learn the DBT Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) protocol for treating PTSD, one of the newest developments in DBT resea...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Intensive Training™
Part 1: 10 -14 November 2025
Part 2: 1-5 June 2026
DBT Intensive Training is a comprehensive team-based programme of study designed to provide teams with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide DBT. It focuses on both the establishment of comprehensive DBT programmes and the clinical skills ...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Upgrade Training™
17-21 November 2025
The five-day DBT Upgrade Training is designed specifically for an individual or a small group of therapists who have completed preliminary training in DBT (i.e. Foundation or equivalent) and are looking to increase their training to Intensive leve...Read More
Adapting Your DBT Programme for Adolescents, Involving Carers in DBT-A
1-2 December 2025
Working with suicidal adolescents who present with multiple, complex challenges can often feel overwhelming. Building on the success of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for adults, DBT for Adolescents (DBT-A) incorporates carers into the treatm...Read More
Ready for Life Skills - Managing the Discharge Phase of DBT
8-9 December 2025
This course introduces a new set of skills for clinicians to help manage the discharge phase of treatment. It is particularly designed for DBT therapists in hospital settings, although ma...Read More
Adapting Your DBT Programme for Substance Use Disorders™
26-27 January 2026
This advanced workshop covers the modifications made when applying Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) to clients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and co-morbid Substance Use disorders. Participants will learn how DBT, when applied to...Read More
Promoting Adherence In Your DBT Consultation Team™
5-6 February 2026
The DBT consultation team is the nucleus of a comprehensive DBT programme. DBT consultation team meetings provide the vital function of providing therapy to the therapists. Join us for this newly developed 2-day advanced training designed for DBT ...Read More
Teaching Clients to Use Mindfulness Skills in DBT™
9-10 February 2026
This two-day online workshop is specifically designed for mental health professionals interested in integrating mindfulness skills into their Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) practice. Building on a decade of successful applications from the bo...Read More
DBT Skills Training: Enhanced™
23-25 February 2026
This 3-day advanced workshop is intended for those who have prior knowledge of DBT, and who want to enhance their learning to improve their work with their clients. It provides an in-depth look into DBT Skills within Core Mindfulness, Distress Tol...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Complex PTSD
16-20 March 2026
This course provides comprehensive training in DBT-PTSD including a full set of the Patients-Manual.
DBT-PTSD is a modular program, developed by Martin Bohus, in close cooperation with M. Linehan. The program is specifically tailored to tre...Read More
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Foundational Training™
23-27 March 2026
This comprehensive five-day training is designed specifically for individual therapists or skills trainers who are members of an intensively trained team, but have not completed intensive training themselves. It is meant to assist teams that have ...Read More
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What is DBT? This one day workshop aims to give participants an overview of the structure of the treatment, along with demonstrations of some of the techniques used in its implementation.
Adapting your DBT Programme for Substance Use Disorders 27-28 February 2014
This two-day workshop covers the modifications made when applying Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) to clients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and substance use disorders. Participants specifically learn how DBT, when applied to populations with co-morbid disorders, differs from standard DBT for BPD clients in the way that DBT is targeted, how behavioural skills are taught in skills training group, how to engage clients in therapy at the beginning of treatment, strategies for not losing clients during treatment, and how therapists are supported when clients are in danger of dropping out of therapy.
This workshop is intended for those who have knowledge of standard DBT.
Skills Essentials in DBT Workshop 20-21 March 2014
This two-day workshop covers the fundamentals of DBT Skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Participants learn how to set up a group, the group goals and guidelines, begin to teach skills, be a co-leader, identify and solve common problems in skills groups, make skills lectures come alive, give meaningful homework assignments, and review homework assignments in a way that promotes active engagement with different client populations and settings.
This course is designed for all mental health professionals who want to learn to teach or improve their teaching of DBT skills to clients.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Intensive Training 31 March -4 April 2014
This training is intended for teams that are invested in learning DBT to a high standard in order to better implement the treatment in their settings. As DBT is a treatment that requires an ongoing consultation team, the Intensive Training is designed for treatment teams, not individual practitioners intending to practice alone.
A DBT team (minimum of 4, maximum of 10) is a group of mental health professionals who meet at least weekly to assist each other in applying DBT in their practice setting. Training is conducted in two five-day sessions of instruction divided by six to nine months of home study and requires a high level of dedication so we ask teams to discuss their level of commitment prior to applying.
At Part I DBT theory and strategies are taught in-depth. Between sessions, participants consolidate and apply what they have learned with the help of treatment practice assignments and a take-home exam. Teams are expected to design and begin to implement their own DBT programmes or integrate DBT into an ongoing treatment setting. At Part II, each team presents their work and receives expert consultation on specific cases and on their programme, including protocols for specific treatment problems and adaptations of DBT.
Adapting your DBT Programme: Helping Emotionally Dysregulated & Suicidal Teens 8-9 May 2014
Mental health professionals working with suicidal adolescents with multiple problems are often stymied by complex clinical presentations and challenges that arise during treatment. Learn how to apply comprehensive DBT to an adolescent population to engage and retain clients. This training covers how to convey the biosocial theory of DBT to adolescents and families, describe dialectical dilemmas relevant to adolescents and families, and structure and run multi-family skills training groups.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Foundational Training 15-19 September 2014
The five day Foundational training is designed specifically for an individual or a small group of therapists (maximum of 4) who are members of an Intensively Trained DBT Team, but who have not been intensively trained themselves. It is not a substitute for Intensive Training but is meant to assist teams that have employed new staff or experienced staff turnover.
The training will cover the standard content of DBT (equivalent to Part I of the 10 day Intensive Training). It will also assume that all participants work in an active DBT Programme, participate in a consultation team, and work within a comprehensively trained team.
Post Graduate Certificate in DBT
The PG Cert in DBT is designed to help practitioners either currently learning DBT on an Intensive Training course or who have previously completed the Intensive Training to develop both their theoretical grasp of the treatment and to advance their clinical application of the treatment at both the level of their programme and the individual clinical case. The course is delivered via distance learning through Bangor University, all the teaching element is covered by full attendance at the 10 days of the Intensive Training.
DBT Masterclass Please contact us for further details
The DBT Masterclass provides an opportunity for Intensively trained DBT practitioners either alone or in teams to receive consultation about both their programmes and their clinical work. The Masterclass is a small group context where practitioners receive personalised consultation for the challenges they are experiencing in delivering the treatment in their own healthcare context. Drs Heard and Swales, two internationally renowned experts in DBT, will run the consultation based on the problems that participants submit in advance. Previous participants have found attending helpful in clarifying key aspects of case conceptualisation, in refining individual therapy skills and in solving problems of programme implementation.
DBT: Treating Clients with Borderline PersonalityDisorder and Substance Use Disorders
This two-day workshop covers the modifications made when applying DBT to clients with Borderline Personality Disorder and substance use disorders. Participants specifically learn how DBT, when applied to populations with comorbid disorders, differs from standard DBT for BPD clients in the way that DBT is targeted, how behavioural skills are taught in skills training group, how to engage clients in therapy at the beginning of treatment, strategies for not losing clients during treatment, and how therapists are supported when clients are in danger of dropping out of therapy.
DBT on the ‘Front Lines’ Workshop Please contact us for further details
Many clients spend more time with support staff than they do with their clinically licensed and trained DBT or non-DBT therapists. This training is designed for all clinical front-line support staff in a wide range of treatment contexts. Participants will learn the basic principles of DBT, and how to structure contact with clients around DBT assumptions, agreements, and targets. The role of front-line staff members in DBT programmes will be clarified, especially the relationship with the DBT team and the individual therapist.
DBT with Adolescents: Helping Emotionally Dysregulated and Suicidal Teens
Mental health professionals working with suicidal adolescents with multiple problems are often stymied by complex clinical presentations and challenges that arise during treatment. Learn how to apply comprehensive DBT to an adolescent population to engage and retain clients. This training covers how to convey the biosocial theory of DBT to adolescents and families, describe dialectical dilemmas relevant to adolescents and families, and structure and run multi-family skills training groups.
Participants will advance their ability in specific principles and strategies relevant to skills training and coaching with adolescents and families, individual therapy, family sessions, and managing communication and coaching outside of session. Specific attention will be paid to teaching adolescents and families the skills of dialectics, validation, and behaviour change (the “Middle Path”)
Treating PTSD in DBT with High Risk Clients Please contact the office for further details
Approximately 50 percent of individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and this co-morbid diagnosis increases suicide risk and general impairment in this client population. Learn one of the newest developments in DBT research and practice – how to effectively and safely integrate PTSD treatment into DBT for high-risk BPD clients. Learn how to use DBT to prepare high-risk BPD clients for PTSD treatment, determine when clients are ready to begin PTSD treatment, and address common difficulties encountered during PTSD treatment with this complex client population.
This two-day training is a highly practical, applied workshop that provides participants with a thorough working knowledge of the structure and procedures of the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol for PTSD. This training is intended for clinicians who are already familiar with DBT and exposure-based treatments.